Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Christmas Update

Well, we've finally finished an update. We added the Christmas Bibles that we talked about in a previous post, plus a great set of scenes from the book of Nehemiah- the walls of Jerusalem both before and after the construction project. Finally, we updated the Tabernacle set to correct some issues and to add individual pictures of all the tabernacle furnishings. Check out the great values on these products!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Isaiah 58:6

Not all 3d Bible Scenes need to be photo realistic. Here we've pictured Isaiah 58:6 as a heart of compassion poured out on those under the yoke.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Working on a Photo Set

In addition to computer generated imagery, we have also wanted to make available some of the sets of photos that we've taken over the years to use as PowerPoint backgrounds. We're almost finished with first of those, a set of Christmas Bible pictures. Here's an example:

We hope to have these images up on the website within a few weeks.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What are we working on?

One of the primary uses of this blog will be to let people know what we’re working on here at 3D Bible Scenes. Currently we’re preparing five new sets of scenes, along with modifications to two existing sets of scenes. Here they are, listed in roughly the anticipated order of completion:

Revision of the Tabernacle Set: adding an additional overall scene and individual images of all the tabernacle furnishings.

Joseph – scenes from the last twelve chapters of Genesis

Scenes from Mark – especially Machaerus (Mark 6:16ff), Genessaret (Mark 6:53ff), and the fig tree of Mark 11.
The Basin and the Towel – a combination of photographs and Vue scenes to illustrate the basin and the towel used by Jesus to wash his disciples feet (John 13).

Revision of the Easter Set – revision to a couple of the existing images and addition of two Last Supper images and a Garden of Gethsemane image.

All of this will require some modification to the main 3D Bible Scenes page; we’re also going to modify the ‘Purchase’ page to show more clearly where the user ID and password will show up in your e-mail from Paypal.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Welcome to 3D Bible Scenes Blog

I've been thinking for a long time about creating a blog to go along with the 3D Bible Scenes web site. This blog will present works in progress, link to some uses of our scenes and give some thoughts about the use of visuals in expository preaching.

Here's an image I worked on for Easter and ended up liking a lot:

I hope it's obvious that this is supposed to be the upper room. I tried to keep the details accurate, including the 'preparations for the Passover meal' and the full moon.

I expect to add this to the Easter set (along with one or two others) before long.